Mam oko na miasteczko
English title: Have an Eye on Mamoko
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
Warsaw 2014
Dimensions: 21 × 13 cm
Story telling cards: 25 cards
ISBN: 978-83-63696-26-9
Part of the World of Mamoko series.
A set of 25 double-sided cards designed in the world of Mamoko series*. Cards can be arranged in many different ways, allowing the child to build its own little town and search for its favourite characters and hidden objects. As long as one isn’t rotating the cards, they can be seamlessly arranged together.
One small part of the city is drawn on both sides of the card, so you have to make some tough decisions. Are you for or against strawberries? Do you prefer to repair cars or wreck them on a junkyard?
Setting up the city is just the beginning. Now you can find your favourite characters from previous books, discover their stories or invent new ones. Who started the fire on the first floor? Do you recognize all of the objects in the museum of Mamoko history? Did the police caught all of the criminals?
*Series that started in 2010 with a book “Miasteczko Mamoko”. It was followed by two story books (“Dawno temu w Mamoko”, “Mamoko 3000”) and two smaller books by which you can learn letters and numbers.

Foreign editions
Chinese Simplified, 创意故事拼图卡-MAMOKO妈妈看!-低幼认知版, Ronshin Group, 2018, ISBN: 978-7-5417-6508-7