Pod ziemią, pod wodą
English title: Under Water / Under Earth
Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry
Warsaw 2015
Dimensions: 37 × 27.2 cm
Hardcover: 110 p.
ISBN: 978-83-65341-05-1
“Pod ziemią / Pod wodą” is a two-sided educational book. It has two horizontal covers joined by the spine. Readers from one side can discover secrets hidden below layers of Earth, and from the other side, curiosities flooded with water. In the middle of the book the two worlds meet with a spread dedicated to the Earth's core.
You can find out about animals living underground and strange underwater creatures, the deepest roots and labyrinths of underground pipes, sensational excavations and petrified bones of dinosaurs. You can look into underground burrows and dens, venture into uncharted caves and go down to the bottom of the deepest mine in the world. Try out the antique submarines or swim around the Titanic wreck.
The book is loaded with information presented in form of colourful infographics filled with detailed drawings. Each spread has a different structure, so the design could be individually adjusted to the content – from huge dinosaur drawings to small comic strips, showing the movement of tectonic plates or ways of using natural resources.
We used our font Mr Dodo for all texts in this book.
“Podziemnik” and “Podwodnik” were designed as a complement to “Pod wodą / Pod ziemią”.

It took us over two years to complete this book. Last months were very intense, because we had our newborn twins at home. Designing the cover and finishing the proofreading with Maciej Byliniak (head editor for Dwie Siostry publishing house) with only two hours of sleep per day was not the most productive workflow.
Even without sleeping, one of us had to go for a few hours to the print house, just to make sure that this final step wouldn’t destroy the last two years of our work. On that occasion we discovered a funny mistake. A leftover pipe fragment from a different version of a drawing on water page 31. It was hard to catch on the screen as it’s a 100% black line on a dark background. It’s funny that no matter how many good people check the book, you can be sure that some hidden things will be unnoticed.
We don’t do many workshops for kids but for this book we have one that works great regardless the participants’ location. We use a giant paper (roll or sheets taped together) and divide it in half. One part is covered with a brown packing paper or a corrugated cardboard from a roll. Kids now can decide if they want to design diving suits or an underground city.
Children working underwater will have to lay on a paper and with a help of a friend trace their body. Using this 1:1 starting point they will design a crazy diving suite.
Other kids will have to rip the brown paper to create caves for their designs. They can draw metro stations, natural caves, tunnels or anything they like.
Foreign editions
Turkish, Yer Alti / Su Alti, Domingo, 2022, ISBN: 978-605-198-194-9
Slovenian, Pod Zemljo / Pod Vodo, Mladinska Knjiga, 2021, ISBN: 978-961-01-6139-4
Thai, มหัศจรรย์ ใต้พิภพ / มหัศจรรย์ ใต้สมุทร, Nanmeebooks, 2020, ISBN: 978-616-04-4591-2
Czech, Pod zemí / Pod vodou, Host, 2017, ISBN: 978-80-7577-114-8
Korean, 땅속 세상 물속 세상, Gilbut Publishing Co, 2017, ISBN: 978-89-5582-410-0
Romanian, Sub Pământ / Sub Ape, Humanitas, 2017, ISBN: 978-973-50-5808-1
Slovak, Pod Zemou / Pod Vodou, Slovart, 2017, ISBN: 978-80-556-2879-0
Spanish, Debajo de la tierra / Debajo del agua, Maeva young (Ediciones Maeva, S.A.), 2017, ISBN: 978-84-16690-31-2
German, Unter der Erde / Tief im Wasser, Moritz Verlag, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-89565-330-8
Chinese Traditional, 地下世界.水下世界, Global Kids Books, 2016, ISBN: 978-986-320-912-6
English (US), Under Earth / Under Water, Candelwick Press, 2016, ISBN: 978-0-7636-8922-3
Hungarian, Föld alatt / Víz alatt, Manó Könyvek, 2016, ISBN: 978-963-4032-37-3
Japanese, Under Earth / Under Water アンダーアース・アンダーウォーター 地中・水中図絵, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., 2016, ISBN: 978-4-19-864215-0
Russian, Под землей / Под водой, Самокат, 2016, ISBN: 978-5-91759-306-7
Ukrainian, Під землею / Під водою, Старого Лева, 2016, ISBN: 978-617-679-254-3
Chinese Simplified, 地下 / 水下, Guizhou People's Publishing House, 2015, ISBN: 978-7-221-12730-3
Dutch, Onder de grond / Onder water, Lannoo, 2015, ISBN: 978-94-014-2627-5
English (GB), Under Earth / Under Water, Big Picture Press, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-78370-364-7
French, Sous terre / Sous l'eau, Rue du monde, 2015, ISBN: 978-2-35504-396-3
Italian, Sottacqua / Sottoterra, Electa Kids (Mondadori Electa), 2015, ISBN: 978-88-918-0380-1
You can find a Google Sheet with a list of all our foreign editions here.